A moment of joy from the Steep archives.
By Mike Bartlett
Directed by Jonathan Berry
January - March 2017
CAST: Indra Andreshak, Leea Ayers, Lucy Carapetyan, Patricia Donegan, Nate Faust, Greg Geffrard, Alex Gillmor, Nick Horst, Cindy Marker, Donna McGough, Peter Moore, Jim Poole, Sarah Price, Omer Abbas Salem, Amber Sallis
PRODUCTION TEAM: Jonathan Berry (Director), Jon Ravenscroft (Stage Manager), Arnel Sancianco (Set Design), Brandon Wardell (Lighting Design), Matt Chapman (Sound Design), Alison Siple (Costume Design), Kat Powers (Prop Design), Joe Burke (Projection Design), Kendra Thulin (Dialect Coach), Denise Yvette Serna (Assistant Director), Ellen Willett (Production Manager)